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Make Your Own Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (41)
Runs regularly
1 to 50 guests
$80 - $100
Japanese Zen Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (36)
Runs regularly
East Gosford, Crows Nest & Carrington
1 to 12 guests
$90 - $120
Succulent Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (30)
5.0 (83) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
Comes to you
1 to 80 guests
Greenhouse Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (385)
Runs regularly
1 to 6 guests
$120 Now $95
Rainforest Terrarium Workshop
4.8 (57)
Runs regularly
Forest Lodge
1 to 60 guests
Mossarium Workshop
5.0 (385)
Only 1 date left
1 to 6 guests
Succulent Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (12)
4.9 (709) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
1 to 10 guests
Hanging Mini Succulent Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (1)
4.9 (709) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
/ Mobile
1 to 8 guests
Terrarium Workshop and High Tea
5.0 (8)
Only 1 date left
Summer Hill
1 to 12 guests
Succulent Driftwood Arrangement Workshop
Runs regularly
Empire Bay
1 to 20 guests
Terrarium Workshop
4.5 (13)
4.8 (124) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
Forest Lodge
1 to 60 guests
Magical Terrarium Workshop for Kids
5.0 (4)
4 to 13 years
Runs regularly
1 to 30 guests
$56 - $70
Mother's Day High Tea and Terrarium Workshop
Runs regularly
1 to 15 guests
$90 - $145
Terrarium Workshop for Kids
5.0 (1)
6+ years & Adults
Runs regularly
1 to 10 guests
Jungle Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (1)
5.0 (83) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
2 to 99 guests
Biodome Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (385)
Your choice of time
1 to 6 guests
Mobile Succulent Terrarium Workshop
4.9 (36) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
2 to 30 guests
$90 - $100
Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (3)
4.9 (180) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
10 to 20 guests
Terrarium Making Class for Tweens and Teens
5.0 (1)
4.9 (180) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
10 to 20 guests
Succulents and Sand Terrarium Workshop
4.9 (42) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
6 to 50 guests
Plant Workshop for Team Building
5.0 (1)
4.8 (124) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Forest Lodge
/ Mobile
8 to 80 guests
DIY Terrarium and Mindfulness Workshop
4.5 (2)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
See more
Terrarium Workshop for Beginners
5.0 (137)
Runs regularly
/ Mobile
1 to 50 guests
$99 - $117
Tipsy Terrarium Workshop: Make and Sip
4.9 (372)
Only 2 dates left
/ Mobile
1 to 100 guests
Serene Terrarium Workshop for Beginners
5.0 (6)
5.0 (53) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
1 to 7 guests
Mindful Making Workshop: Mini Moss Terrarium
4.9 (372)
Only 1 date left
1 to 100 guests
Sip and Create Terrarium / Kokedama Making Workshop
4.9 (69)
Runs regularly
Malvern East
1 to 20 guests
DIY Mini Terrarium Making Class
5.0 (1)
5.0 (43) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
1 to 20 guests
$85 - $95
Tropical Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (4)
4.9 (68) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 10 guests
Tranquil Terrarium Class: Mindful Making
4.9 (372)
Only 1 date left
/ Mobile
1 to 100 guests
Tipsy Terrarium Workshop: Giant Enclosed Terrarium
5.0 (2)
Your choice of time
1 to 33 guests
Terrarium Workshop
4.4 (14)
4.6 (391) (for this teacher)
Only 2 dates left
South Melbourne
1 to 80 guests
$65 - $73
Terrarium Workshop at Belvoir Park Winery Bendigo
Only 1 date left
1 to 30 guests
Beginners Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (94)
Only 1 date left
1 to 40 guests
Terrarium Workshop for Beginners Sip & Style
Only 1 date left
1 to 30 guests
Private Terrarium Workshop for Two
5.0 (13)
4.9 (682) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
2 to 6 guests
$150 - $225
Terrarium Making Class
Your choice of time
1 to 60 guests
Terrarium Workshop: Create Gardens in a Jar
Your choice of time
1 to 4 guests
$75 - $100
Full Moon Workshop: Journey Through the Chakras
4.9 (372)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
12 to 100 guests
New Moon Circle - Workshop
4.9 (372)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
12 to 100 guests
Succulent Terrarium Making Class
4.9 (372)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
14 to 100 guests
DIY Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (2)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
Zen Garden Inspired Terrarium Workshop for Team Building
4.6 (391) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
South Melbourne
8 to 80 guests
$65 - $73
DIY Terrarium and Mindfulness Workshop
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
See more
DIY Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (40)
Runs regularly
1 to 10 guests
$105 - $107
Open Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (19)
Runs regularly
1 to 20 guests
Aquascape Plant Art Workshop
5.0 (5)
5.0 (41) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 12 guests
Tropical Terrarium Workshop: Molten Glass Bowl on Driftwood
5.0 (3)
Runs regularly
1 to 20 guests
Floral Herbarium Workshop
5.0 (82) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
1 to 12 guests
Tropical Table Centre Piece Workshop
5.0 (41) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
1 to 30 guests
Mini Tropical Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (41) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 20 guests
Beach Terrarium Making Workshop
Only 1 date left
West End
1 to 20 guests
Terrarium Therapy Workshop with High Tea
5.0 (2)
4.9 (349) (for this teacher)
Runs regularly
1 to 20 guests
$130 - $155
Herbarium Workshop
Only 1 date left
West End
1 to 20 guests
Slump Bowl Aquascape Art Workshop
5.0 (41) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
1 to 20 guests
Kids Adventure Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (41) (for this teacher)
5+ years & Adults
Only 1 date left
1 to 15 guests
$65 - $180
Beginner Terrarium Making Class
5.0 (4)
Your choice of time
Tamborine Mountain
2 to 10 guests
Rainforest Terrarium Building Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
1 to 6 guests
Terrarium Workshop
4.9 (399) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
4 to 30 guests
DIY Terrarium and Mindfulness Workshop
5.0 (3)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
DIY Terrarium Making Workshop
4.8 (4)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
8 to 200 guests
Face Terrarium in Glass Dome Workshop
Your choice of time
West End
6 to 20 guests
Crystal Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
10 to 15 guests
Large Teardrop Terrarium Class
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
Tamborine Mountain
5 to 10 guests
Desert Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (7)
5.0 (74) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
5 to 20 guests
Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (17)
Your choice of time
South Brisbane
/ Mobile
5 to 35 guests
$120 - $130
Large Terrarium Workshop
4.9 (96) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
7 to 35 guests
See more
Sip and Plant Class: Terrarium Building
5.0 (21)
Runs regularly
1 to 40 guests
Eco Terrarium Workshop with Natural Preserved Moss
5.0 (3)
Runs regularly
Burleigh Heads
1 to 30 guests
Beginner Terrarium Making Class
5.0 (4)
Your choice of time
Tamborine Mountain
2 to 10 guests
Large Teardrop Terrarium Class
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
Tamborine Mountain
5 to 10 guests
See more
Large Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (19)
Runs regularly
/ Mobile
1 to 30 guests
$90 - $95
Medium Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (1)
4.9 (22) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 30 guests
$80 - $85
Terrarium Construction and Design Class
4.8 (40)
Runs regularly
/ Mobile
1 to 30 guests
Wood Feature Terrarium Building Workshop
4.9 (22) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 20 guests
$110 - $115
Succulent Bowl Making Workshop
4.5 (2)
4.9 (22) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
East Victoria Park
/ Mobile
1 to 15 guests
Junior Terrarium Making Workshop for Kids
4.9 (22) (for this teacher)
6+ years & Adults
Only 1 date left
1 to 15 guests
Terrarium Making Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
5 to 30 guests
DIY Terrarium Making Workshop
4.7 (6)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
High Tea and Terrarium Workshop
Your choice of time
4 to 20 guests
Terrarium Landscape Workshop
Your choice of time
10 to 30 guests
Kids Terrarium Workshop
7 to 12 years
Your choice of time
6 to 30 guests
$35 - $50
Terrarium Making Course
Contact for details
East Perth
1 to 5 guests
See more
Closed Rainforest Terrarium Class
5.0 (64)
Only 1 date left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 15 guests
Indoor Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (87)
Only 2 dates left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 14 guests
Air Plant Seascape Terrarium Workshop
4.9 (17)
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 13 guests
Date Night Terrarium Class for Couples
5.0 (5)
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Only 2 dates left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 8 guests
Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (16)
5.0 (99) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
1 to 8 guests
Living Succulent Love Heart Workshop
5.0 (6)
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 14 guests
Beginner's Bottle Terrariums Class
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Only 1 date left
Port Noarlunga
1 to 14 guests
DIY Terrarium Making Workshop
4.8 (4)
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
DIY Terrarium and Mindfulness Workshop
4.6 (226) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Comes to you
8 to 200 guests
Terrarium Making Class with Cheeky Bubbles
Your choice of time
Blair Athol
6 to 15 guests
Beginners Closed Terrarium Workshop
Your choice of time
10 to 30 guests
Terrarium Making Workshop
Your choice of time
McLaren Vale
/ Mobile
5 to 12 guests
$30 - $110
Desert Scape Terrarium Workshop
5.0 (9)
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Port Noarlunga
5 to 14 guests
Miniature Indoor Ponds Demonstration Class
5.0 (3)
Your choice of time
Port Noarlunga
10 to 14 guests
Terrarium Experience for Birthday Parties
5.0 (369) (for this host)
Your choice of time
Port Noarlunga
6 to 14 guests
$35 - $55
Paludarium Terrarium Class for Intermediates
5.0 (9)
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Port Noarlunga
3 to 8 guests
Beginner Terrarium Workshop
Sold out - join waitlist
Mawson Lakes
1 to 12 guests
Spooky Season Terrarium Class
5.0 (369) (for this teacher)
Your choice of time
Port Noarlunga
5 to 12 guests
See more
Looking for more options? Please message us or call us on 0488 839 505, and we'll quickly organise a class for your group
Terrariums are beautiful, self-contained ecosystems housed in stunning glass vessels. These gorgeous, low-maintenance plant displays make an ideal option for anybody who doesn’t have a garden or for anyone who simply loves to bring the outdoors inside as much as possible.
If you’ve been feeling a little stressed or overwhelmed lately and you’re looking for a unique and magical way to unwind – or if you’re just keen to reconnect with the natural world and get your hands dirty in your spare time – terrarium classes are an ideal option.
Taking some time out of your hectic schedule to slow down and get back in touch with soil, moss and green growing things is a balm for the soul. It’s also a great way to meet new people and forge new connections, as you and your classmates support each other in the creation of your very own miniature garden paradises!
Whether you’re learning how to make a lush tropical terrarium in Sydney, getting a little tipsy while discovering how to make your own terrarium in Melbourne, or combining sipping and science with terrarium workshops for corporate teams in Adelaide, you’re sure to have the time of your life.
It doesn’t matter if you have little or no experience with plants, terrarium classes in Melbourne, Adelaide and beyond, are a fun-filled and laidback beginner-friendly introduction to the botanical world. Guided by experienced and enthusiastic teachers, you'll soon grow in confidence as you learn how to make stunning DIY terrariums and maintain them once you get home. There are so many different types and sizes of terrariums that you can make, from large open succulent terrariums to adorable slender bottle terrariums, which can easily brighten up your shelves at home.
Keen to find out what awaits you at one of these enchanting terrarium classes in Sydney, Brisbane or beyond? Whichever one of these terrarium classes in Adelaide, Canberra or right across Australia you choose to attend, you'll quickly be put at ease from the moment you arrive by your welcoming and highly experienced teacher. You'll be talked through the creation of a terrarium, with guided demonstrations to show you how to make your own vibrant miniature landscape – from how to prepare and layer the soil, through to choosing the ideal plants to grow inside it.
Succulent terrariums are a popular choice, as these small, hardy plants look beautiful, but they are also very low maintenance and easy to care for. Moss terrariums are similarly convenient and can create a truly eye-catching centrepiece, which requires only basic care to keep flourishing. However, there are many kinds of terrarium out there, so you can learn how to make a terrarium that suits your particular tastes and inclinations. A lush tropical dome perhaps, or an array of closed terrariums in different sizes that will add vibrant greenery to your household décor?
Don’t forget that terrarium classes in Brisbane, terrarium classes in Perth - and right across the country - aren’t just a fun plant-based activity to enjoy in your spare time, they can also be a wonderful experience to share with the special people in your life. You can book terrarium workshops for your next team building activities, treat your giftee to a terrarium class as one of your Mother's Day ideas, or arrange a fun-filled terrarium making session as one of your birthday party ideas for a bestie who adores her plant babies!
If you'd love to enjoy a couple of soothing hours discovering how to build your own terrarium but you can’t make it to an in-person workshop, don’t worry. There’s a vibrant assortment of online terrarium classes for you to take part in, so you can still introduce a gorgeous personalised indoor garden to your home without having to step outside!
These virtual terrarium workshops each include a DIY terrarium kit, stocked with everything you need to create your miniature garden, so you won’t need to stress about finding the right materials. All you need to do is go online in time for your session, and your friendly and talented teacher will soon have you creating a showstopping indoor landscape that will lift your spirits every time you see it.
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