Traditional Qi, body and soul teacher

Traditional Qi

Traditional Qi

location_on Cremorne, Sydney

local_activity classes: Body and Soul

My name is Angela Tian Zhu. I am a third generation Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tai Qi – Qi Gong instructor.
Over the past decade, I have been involved in running workshops for Mental Health with Chinese Medicine Theory. Especially with R U OK Day and Mental Health Month for local Councils, Community Centres, Libraries, Schools and companies.
Currently I teach “Enhance Mental Health Tai Chi/ Qi Gong classes” at North Sydney Community Centre. I also run my own Chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic at Cremorne which has been helping the local community for over 30 years.
I am very passionate about helping people to have a better quality of life. In our 2 hours workshop experience we combine traditional Chinese medicine theory with practical Qi elements and flow movements


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