Tarot for Beginners (webinar)

With DIY craft kit delivered to you

Learn about the basics of Tarot

2.5 hours Class size 5 to 100 guests

  $50 - $100 (Afterpay available)
($50 for High Priesters; $100 for The Magician)

How it works

Request your preferred time
We'll send a ClassBento Box to you (a craft kit with what you'll need). Shipping is free, and you'll get your box delivered in time for your class. We ship nationwide.
Enjoy the online class - after booking, you'll get a link to join the interactive class.
Ever had a fascination about what the cards have in store for you? Ever needed help in gaining some guidance? Ever felt confused by universal signals? Then you need tarot! This workshop is offered through ZOOM so you can learn about the art of Tarot in the comfort of your own home!
This workshop is 2.5 hours and will cover the basics of the Rider-Waite and cover the Major Arcana cards and the Court cards. While also discussing how to use crystals with your Tarot practise.
This workshop is suited for beginners or those wanting to brush up on their Tarot knowledge.
There are 2 price points depending on if you want physical goodies or not.
The Magician - $100 (includes cost of shipping)
  • Major Arcana
  • A Crystal pack to go with the class, including an intuitively picked crystal
  • 2.5 hours of Tarot guidance from Jess
  • A booklet to help guide you through, you will also be emailed a digital copy
  • A Rider-Waite deck
The High Priestess - $50
  • 2.5 hours of Tarot guidance from Jess
  • A digital copy of the booklet emailed to you
Please note that if you purchase the High Priestess ticket that the Tarot deck we will be referring to is the Rider-Waite style of Tarot if you plan to purchase your own deck.
About Jess Rae
Jess has been reading Tarot since 2019 and teaching Tarot since 2021. She has guided hundreds of students through the basics of Tarot and connecting in with their intuition. Jess has been teaching for 4 years and has taught numerous classes on different spiritual topics. Jess is also the Co-Owner of Twin Flames Incense, a loose-incense business incorporating incense with Tarot.

Knowledge required
What you'll get in your craft kit
  • A crystal pack to go with the class, including an intuitively picked crystal
  • A booklet to help guide you through; you will also be emailed a digital copy
  • A Rider-Waite deck
What you'll need
A way of taking notes
Add-ons available for this class
  • Tarot Deck ($30)
  • Booklet ($15)
  • Crystal Pack ($25)
You can add these when you book (optional).
Your teacher

Hi, I'm Jess (She/Her), I'm a Triple-Fire Sign and work at Crystal & Stone as an Event Manager and Podcast/Workshop Host.
I'm obsessed with all things crystals, tarot and witchcraft. I'm an advocate for accessible spiritualism and strive to create my content in a way that's accessible and easy to understand.
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