Tangled Glory with Sue CZT,  teacher

Tangled Glory with Sue CZT

Tangled Glory with Sue CZT

local_activity classes: ZentangleDrawing

4.8 (22)

As most people at some stage in their life suffer from heartache, I teach a mindful, meditative drawing process that enables one to find peace and happiness once more.
Tangled Glory is an online art studio where you will learn a mindful, meditative drawing process called Zentangle®.
I Sue, discovered Zentangle® in November 2018 and I am now passionate about it. I created Tangled Glory in November 2019 after going to Rhode Island, USA to become a Certified Zentangle® Teacher (CZT).
My work is inspired by different shapes, textures and colours that surround my world. I am here to share my passion for Zentangle® with you.
Some Benefits of Zentangle® are:
  • Helps to sort & process life’s challenges
  • Increases attention span
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Increases ability to concentrate
  • Improves hand to eye co-ordination
  • Increases focus
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Relaxing
  • Portable
  • Screen-free
  • Creates beautiful artwork
I love to teach as well as sharing my knowledge with others. As I like to say "Come along and discover the calm within while exploring your creativity".
Let's create some stunning artwork together!




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