Rest In Pieces,  teacher

Rest In Pieces

Rest In Pieces

local_activity classes: Taxidermy

5.0 (8)

We are Rest In Pieces. An educational and inspirational institute specialising in the time-honoured skill of preserving and presenting fascinating natural specimens.
We are proud to share our knowledge of the dying arts through our many talks, demonstrations and workshops where you can experience something truly memorable.
Whether it's a skill you've always wanted to learn, further education in your career or you are a discerning collector of curios. Discover what we can offer through our exclusive workshops and our eclectic shop.
All of the animals used in our workshops are ethically sourced. Please contact us for more information on specimen sourcing.




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V48I01Z33L 34c052b7f77f35dccea660a6ce51910d production Sydney NSW AU sydney