Mel Wheeler, circus teacher

Mel Wheeler

Mel Wheeler

local_activity classes: Hula HoopCircus

female Women-owned

Mel Wheeler really loves hula hoops!
Her hula hoop journey began in 2014 when she bought a hula hoop online and googled “how to spin a hula hoop on your waist”.
Since then her love of hula hoops has taken her around the world performing and learning from some of the greatest hula hooper’s in the industry, in countries including Bali, Malaysia and Hawaii, and most recently touring with Circus for Humanity in India.
She has gained worldwide reputation for her highly energetic, seemingly impossible, impressive hula hoop tricks, all performed with her trademark winning smile!
Her hula hooping videos have gone viral online in The Daily Mail and received millions of views being featured on American television shows including People are Awesome, Right this Minute, and Fail Army.
Her hula hoop performance includes lightning fast moves, single and multiple creative tricks, performed with LED hula hoops, gigantic hoops and a grande finale of a 60 hoop slinky!
With a background in fine arts, and over 10 years in the performance and teaching, she is passionate about changing lives through the powers of ‘play’ through hula hoop classes.
She is a mother of four and is well known on Instagram for sharing her joy of hula hooping through her videos and tutorials and life stories.
"Hula hooping has completely changed my life. Not only is it a great fun way to get fit without even realising you are exercising, it is also a form of moving mediation and has brought so much joy and new friendships and into my life, I am so passionate to share this with everybody that I meet"



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