Colleen Alex, body and soul teacher

Colleen Alex

location_on Maidstone, Melbourne

local_activity classes: Body and Soul

Hey there! My name is Colleen and I am a clairsentient psychic reader specialising in Tarot cards, Oracle insights and Ancient rune-casting. I’m also an educational historian so I teach and focus on Ancient history.
It all started when my passion for history and self-improvement led me straight to the Tarot (or Tarocchi, as it was known then). What started at first as an academic interest looking In Tarot as a Renaissance innovation, eventually turned into a passion for reading them and realising that there is more to it than just history.
Then came the intuitive guidance I started to receive that could shed so much light on a situation, a person’s motivations and emotions. Psychic messages that could help with new perspectives to consider and daring directions to follow in order to change and improve one’s life. I learned I could help people and I’ve never turned back since.


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