Boost your bookings with automatically collected reviews

Most customers are influenced by reviews when purchasing, and having good reviews can triple your conversion rates. We've collected 100,000+ reviews globally for our teachers and hosts, with an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

Collect reviews
Automated class review reminders

Get more reviews, automatically

We'll send optimised SMS and emails to help you capture more reviews, faster. It's all automated, and through our years of testing we've optimised the user experience to maximise response rates.
How to get better quality reviews

Collect high-quality reviews

We guide customers to provide glowing and detailed testimonials with lots of attractive photos. We allow customers to provide private reviews, so they can give you constructive feedback without hurting your overall public-facing rating.
How to get more reviews

Boost your listings, wherever they are

If you're using ClassBento to capture orders from both our marketplace and your own website, your reviews will automatically be shared across both channels.
Reply customer reviews with AI

Respond to reviews

Engage with customers and show that you care, by replying to your reviews. You can also use our Bento AI, which adapts to your style of responses, to save time.
Free social media marketing templates

Show off on social

Use our customisable review images to show off your reviews on social media, and attract even more customers.

Learn more

Get started with ClassBento



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